Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why build?

Why did we decide to build? Well we currently live in an 80 year old house that is around 1000 square feet with an unfinished basement and an impractical attic. We also have a lovely 2 year old that has many many toys. Our house is basically overrun with toddler toys and our dog, Frida.

We spent many months looking in and out of the city for a place. I liked the walkability of our neighborhood and the closeness to Forest Park. Dan and I could not agree on anything. He liked houses that I did not, and vice versa.

Finally we decided to build, since I also want to stay in one location for a relatively 'permanent' period. He agreed because he could build a 'green' home. A home that would be environmentally friendly and nontoxic to the world, us, Frida, and of course, little Ella.

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